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The Excellerator

Think. Plan. Excel.
August 2008

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Happy reading!
Bill Spreitzer and Dave Vogelpohl
919-388-3600 and 919-544-3787
Four Agreements Worth Making
I just finished reading a wonderful, quick-read book entitled, "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.   When I finished the book I was struck by the power that these basic "tenets" could have in my life - both personally and professionally. Now all I have to do is practice them on a daily basis - pretty straight forward but not easy......
So what are these four agreements you might ask?
Agreement 1
Be impeccable with your word - Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth.
My question for you is: How often do you find yourself being your own worst critic and thereby using your word against yourself?  When we do so, it shows up in the way we interact with others - they pay the price of us not living this agreement to its full extent.   
Agreement 2

Don't take anything personally - Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
Rather than being "tagged" by what others say and do and reacting emotionally, maintain your personal power and be the example for others to follow.  Our workplaces and families are in need of such leadership.
Agreement 3
Don't make assumptions - Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.
With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
When we make assumptions, we are in a way "gambling" with our relationships that we have spent time and energy to cultivate.  Stop "rolling the dice" with your esteemed colleagues, co-workers, friends and family and just keep things simple by being clear and seeking clarification when in doubt.
Agreement 4

Always do your best - Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
It's not about having to be the best in everything we do - especially when "best" is defined by people, society and institutions....Rather, being and doing our best at any given moment is all we can ask of ourselves - and of others in our life.  Living this agreement is dependent on being truly honest with ourselves about what our best is.
Both Dave and I welcome your comments and would love to hear from you on how we can be of service.
Bill Spreitzer                   Dave Vogelpohl
919-388-3600                  919-544-3787
Top Performers and the Law of Attraction

Excellerate Solutions Logo(aka The Secret)

The Secret and the Law of Attraction have been circulating the airwaves. A basic summary of the Law of Attraction is that "like attracts like." The law works by attracting similar forces to each other.  If we focus on the positive, we will manifest abundance from the universe and positive things will be attracted to us. If we think negatively, we will attract negative experiences and results. There are mystical elements wrapped up in the Law of Attraction.  As if we have a magical power to bring good things in our direction. It is extremely alluring. Is it true?

Yes and no - both! Yes, the truth beneath the mysticism is based in cognitive psychology which has a firm research footing. What people think will drive how they feel and what they do. If a person focuses on the negative it will impact their mood, their expectations and their actions. If an individual chooses to be optimistic and look for opportunity, they will be more positive, open and confident. As a result, they seize opportunity when it arises. In fact, a British researcher found that "lucky" people actually behave differently than "unlucky" people. Those who are "lucky" are more optimistic, open and skilled at seizing opportunities. Lucky people do not have exceptional fortune or magic power; they behave differently and thus get different results. I believe that the Law of Attraction is similar to the idea of luck. If we focus on the positive and seek opportunity we will get better results.

 If this is true, then is the Law of Attraction real? Can we attract all good things by thinking the universe towards our wishes? Much to our deep dismay we are not able to wish things into reality. There are endless examples of hopes dashed by painful disappointment.  We all know people who have bravely fought illness with great optimism and succumbed. Great positive hope did not stop the force of the disease.  Even more, as a group we are completely incapable of stopping natural forces that regularly wreak havoc. If people could truly wish hopes into existence, we could use our will to chase away a hurricane, a tornado or a flood. This never happens! When considered on this scale, the overreaching myth of the Law of Attraction is evident. If we live at such a high level of expectation, we are going to be disappointed!

What to do? Top Performer's are anchored in optimism and realism. They know the power of their perceptions and will choose beliefs that are positive and productive. They also know that they must correctly manage the realities on the ground.  They strategize and adjust to events as they unfold. Top performers continually work for themselves with both optimism and realism. So go ahead, use the Law of Attraction ideas to create positive energy for yourself and use that energy to strategize, plan and build success!

Reprint permission granted to Sorrell Associates, LLC by Barbara A. Kay, MA, LPC, RCC Co-Author, The Top Performer's Guide to Change


How Can You Effectively Criticize A Coworker?

One way is to create the perception of a common goal. This is where choosing the right words helps. It's using a cooperative vocabulary. Instead of saying, "Unless you get moving fast on those statistics, I'm not going to be able to get this report done on time," try emphasizing the common goal: "We could get our report done quickly if you firm up the statistical data while I enter the text." Use words like we and our. Excellerate Solutions Logo

The second way is to show how a peer's performance affects both of you. So instead of saying, "Get to the meeting on time," try something like, "Look, when you're late, it makes you look bad, it makes me look bad, and we don't get the next project. If we're both on time, we do." Now you've made a permissible criticism. You're saying, it is my business, because it affects my job.

A third tactic is to agree with the coworker, but point out that somebody else higher up would disagree. You say something like, "You know, I used to do it this way because it's easier. But when Jack finds out about this, he's going to make you do it over." Now you've aligned yourself with the person.


─ Author unknown


Bill Spreitzer                                         




Dave Vogelpohl



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In This Issue
Four Agreements Worth Making
Top Performer and the Law of Attraction
How can You Effectively Criticize a Coworker?
Upcoming Events
Sales Success and Goals
Motivational Quotes

Upcoming Events

Customer Loyalty is Everyone's Business: Part 2
September 24, 2008
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
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 and Goals
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90% of people, in direct sales, set goals but never reach them! Why?

We have seen from surveys, experience, and observations that many sales people set goals for themselves and/or business but never reach them. We want to reach the goal but often seem to fall short.

·  Is it a lack of motivation that is keeping us from achieving the goal?
Maybe our goals are not congruent with our values and beliefs.

· Are the goals too easy or unrealistic?

· Are the goals our own? 
Do we have a written plan on how to achieve the goal?

We need to have clear answers to each of these questions. If we do not, we'll probably have difficulties achieving the goals.

If it is lack of motivation, consider evaluating the goal and its results if achieved. Many times we find that the lack of motivation is due to not understanding why the goal is important. Or, we have subconsciously decided that it is not important.

- If the goals are not congruent with our values and beliefs, we will struggle working towards  completion.  

- If the goals are too easy or unrealistic, there is no desire to attempt them at all. We must find the fine line of setting our goals realistically high. If our goals stretch us enough that after achieving them we are exhilarated, than we have set our goals realistically high and achievable. If our goals are too easy we may find ourselves not working towards their achievement because we see little value. 

- If the goals are not our own we may not see the reason behind the goals in the first place. Evaluate each goal and determine "WIIFM" - What's in it for me. We may find that the goals can be achieved by understanding how we benefit from accomplishing them.

- If we do not have a written plan for our goals, we will not be prepared for every obstacle that can stand in the way. In this fast-paced world, people are always vying for our time, which can derail achievement of our goals. By creating a written plan for each of our goals, we will have a clear path on who, what, where, when, why, and how we are going to accomplish the goal. People will quickly understand that we are on the path to success.

Goal setting is one of the most powerful sales known tools. It can help us to achieve more in less time! It is one of the common denominators of all high achievers.

Crystallizing our goals is the first step to Success in Sales!

The key to success in sales is excellence! The key to excellence is planning! The key to planning is commitment! The key to commitment is having a clear picture of your future!

"The world makes way for the man/woman who knows where he/she is going."
─ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Source: Gary Sorrell, president of Sorrell Associates, LLC. All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright protected.


You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.
- John Wooden
Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.
- Dale Carnegie
The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
- Theodore Roosevelt

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