Driving Forces

Driving Forces are the drivers behind our behavior; what drives our actions. They are principles or standards by which we act and are beliefs held so strongly that they affect the behavior of an individual or an organization.  An individual’s experiences, references, education, and training tell us WHAT they can do. A behavioral assess­ment will tell us HOW they will do it.  However, it is not until we know an individual’s driving forces that we will under­stand WHY they do what they do.


Knowledge of driving forces can:

  • Encourage participants in a way that satisfies their inner drive
  • Determine if the participant’s position will be rewarding
  • Reduce conflicts
  • Increased talent retention
  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Energize any group working together toward common goals

Participan Insights Gained
The Driving Forces report identifies twelve forces that drive an individual to take action.  People are driven by the following forces.

  • Instinctive: Utilize past experiences, intuition and seeking specific knowledge when necessary
  • Intellectual: Opportunities to learn, acquire knowledge and the discovery of truth
  • Selfless: Completing tasks for the greater good, with little expectation of personal return
  • Resourceful: Practical results, maximizing both efficiency and returns for their investments of time, talent, energy and resources.
  • Objective: The functionality and objectivity of their surroundings.
  • Harmonious: The experience, subjective viewpoints and balance in their surroundings
  • Intentional: To assist others for a specific purpose, not just for the sake of being helpful or supportive.
  • Altruistic: To assist others for the satisfaction of being helpful and supportive.
  • Collaborative: Being in a supporting role and contributing with little need for individual recognition.
  • Commanding: Status, recognition and control over personal freedom
  • Receptive: New ideas, methods and opportunities that fall outside a defined system for living.
  • Structured: Traditional approaches, proven methods and a defined system for living.

Researchers recently found that avoidance could be as strong as acceptance.  As a result, 12 Driving Forces (as described above) were developed from the highs and lows of the original 6 Motivators of Knowledge, Utility, Surroundings, Others, Power, and Methodologies.  The Driving Forces more precisely and accurately pinpoint the varying distinctions of how a person derives more meaning from life and work.


  • A Driving Forces report is created after the completion of a short on-line assessment. Based on the responses, a completely per­sonalized and unique report is immediately created.
  • A debrief coaching session discusses and guides the participant through an in-depth understanding of these insights and how they potentially impact their performance.
  • This assessment can be combined in one report and debrief session with the DISC assessment if so desired.