Leadership Development

Leadership is situational. There is no one style that is “right” for all situations. Coaching develops your leadership style by helping you make the right choices at the right time in the right way and for the right reasons.
As former US President Dwight Eisenhower said: “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something that you want done because they want to do it.”
Typical Challenges Addressed
  • Attitude Development: Attitudes are the basis of all behavior; therefore, in order to develop or enhance leadership behavior, it is essential that we begin by developing positive, success-oriented attitudes.
  • Interpersonal Skills: Much of what a leader is involved in and therefore accomplishes involves other people. To be effective in this continuous challenge it is important to learn, understand, and use interpersonal skills effectively.
  • Goal Setting: Leadership, among other things, is the process of providing organizations ldirection and accomplishing necessary objectives. The goal accomplishment model provides the tools and process necessary to achieve more goals, more often, in order to maximize results and outcomes.
Expected Outcomes
  • Knowing how to Delegate well
  • Improved Decisions and Problem Solving skills
  • Enhanced Communication skills
  • Well developed Goal Planning and Attainment process
  • Improved Motivation and Confidence in all areas of your life
  • Improved Time Management skills
  • Getting into Action in all areas of your career and life

This developmental coaching process typically includes:

  • Multiple sessions using skill development material
  • Assessment debriefs to develop awareness and clarity of how you are wired, and
  • Multiple individual coaching sessions addressing situational opportunities to apply new skills and insights.
  • Other options are available based upon individual or group needs.
  • Sessions conducted individually or in a group setting: face-face, video, or phone calls