Whether you are selling a product or service, represent a well-known, established company or a new start-up; one fact remains clear: it is unlikely that you will maintain a competitive advantage unless you challenge and improve upon the way you have always done things. Success in the world of sales depends on your ability to reinvent yourself and your processes and apply them for improved results consistent to your customer’s needs. It is a continuous process of stretching yourself, your talents and skills so as to become that trusted advisor your customers want to do business with.
Typical Challenges Addressed:
- Positive Self Image:You are and you become what you think about, and what you think about affects not only your own behavior but the ways others act/react to you. Keeping a positive attitude about yourself and the day-to-day challenges of being a sales professional is a key ingredient to your success.
- Prospecting and Marketing: “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. It’s not who you know, it’s who knows you.” Clearly identifying your target market, reaching decision makers, and distinguishing your product/service offering from the competition is an ongoing process and challenge for the sales professional.
- Sticking to a Process: Having a proven and repeatable sales/buying process to follow can keep you focused on doing the right things, at the right time, for the right reasons.
- Overcoming Obstacles and Stalls:Even if your prospect knows the value of your product/service and emotionally understands the benefits, some prospects are hesitant to make a decision to buy. Uncovering their reasons and ways to move the sales/buying process forward to a mutually beneficial close isn’t always easy or straightforward and can be frustrating for sure.
Expected Outcomes
- Increased Sales/Revenue
- More Repeat Business
- Conversion of Business from Competitors
- Increased Income
This developmental coaching process typically includes:
- Multiple sessions using skill development materials (text, action plan & audio CDs)
- Personal assessments and debrief sessions to develop awareness and clarity of how you are wired, and interact with others.
- Individual coaching addressing situational opportunities to apply new skills and insights.
- Other options are available based upon individual or group needs.
- Sessions conducted individually or in a group setting: face-face, video conference, or phone calls.